Every picture tells a story

May 13, 2024

Photography can make a brilliant website even better.

When Muz from transport and logistics company Muztrans, contacted us about creating a new website for the logistics firm, he told us it needed to be ‘current, different and eye-catching’. We explained that good photography would be key and recommended Mimi Van Praagh, who has a studio next to our office in Tunbridge Wells. We’ve worked with her many times before and knew she’d deliver.

Mimi spent two days with the team and their vehicles, achieving some breathtaking photography at the company’s site in Erith, Kent, and in central London with some well-know landmarks in the background. Muz says:

“Having these shots has made a real difference to our website.”

You can read more about our work with Muztrans Case Study.

Muztrans Website Photography

While the Muztrans team wanted good photography to make their website engaging, there are a number of reasons why it’s important to prioritise photography:

First impressions count

Potential customers want to feel that you care about your business and are investing in it. Good images reflect positively on your credibility and highlight an investment in the user experience.  Visitors are more likely to stay on your site if the imaginary you’ve chosen is engaging and of a high quality.

Your brand

If you have invested in your brand, then you need to embrace photography which reflects that. Images you introduce on your website should align with your brand identity.


We’ve often said that our case studies are the most visited section of the Target Ink website and that’s because they tell a story. Photography also has the ability to do that.


Well-optimised images can also improve your website's SEO by attracting organic traffic through image search results. Alt tags, captions, and file names can all be optimised with relevant keywords to improve visibility.

Another advantage of commissioning photography for your website is that you can be 100% sure of the origin of those photos. Over the years, we’ve had people send us images they’ve found on the internet, saying they are ‘in the public domain’ but it’s not as simple as that. While they are unlikely to be high enough resolution, they are most likely owned by someone else.

Copyright can be a grey area, but we’d suggest you never share photos – on your website or through your company’s social media channels – unless you are 100% sure who owns them. There are photo libraries online – such as Pixabay – which offer free photographs, while you can also buy photographs from reputable online sources.

Interestingly, under law, the copyright for photos lies with the photographer. There are, however, two exceptions; if the photographer is an employee of the company the photos are taken for, although this is a slightly grey area; and if there is an agreement that assigns copyright to another party. Even the copyright for photos taken at an event you’ve organised does not ultimately lie with you (rather with the photographer). However, if you’ve paid a photographer for the photographs and you’ve keep to your side of the bargain, such as only using the images you’ve paid for, there’s unlikely to be a problem.

If you are taking photographs yourself for social media or a news/blog article for your website, here are a few pointers to consider:

  • Make a habit of taking photographs, you never know when you might need a particular image.
  • If you are photographing particular people, ask their permission. If you are taking photographs of people a fair bit, then it’s worth considering creating a consent form for individuals to sign.While this might seem like a faff, it’s sensible to be covered.
  • If you are holding an event and there’s a photographer there, then get whoever is checking guests in to tell them that a photographer is present or leave a sign up telling them about it.
  • Be considerate of photography/flash restrictions, particularly if you’re at an event, such as a play, or perhaps an exhibition where photography may not be allowed.
  • Be very cautious of photographing children. If you are at a school, for instance, ask a teacher if there are any children you can’t photograph. If you are unsure at all – don’t take or share photos of children.
  • Be aware of what’s in the background of shots, for example, do not photograph screens which might have sensitive information on them, such as customer details.
  • Have a really good look at the background of shots for anything untidy or unsavoury (gone are the days of questionable calendars etc… but still scan the walls!).
  • Be cautious of elements in a photo which might date or age them and prevent you from using them regularly, such as a calendar including the date, somebody wearing a poppy or Christmas decorations in the background.

Sourcing some great images isn’t the end of the story though, they also need to work on a website. Nowadays we view websites on many different devices – from large screens to laptops, phone screens and tablets. What might look like a fantastic landscape image, with a beautifully positioned castle on a large screen, could just appear like a landscape with no castle at all on a mobile.

Website Photography and Design

As web designers, we need to understand the Rule of Thirds, a compositional principle that helps us to create web pages which look engaging and balanced on any device. It involves dividing the image into a 3x3 grid and positioning key elements – such as that castle – along these gridlines or where they meet. To do this, we need photographers to understand that principle as well and make sure that any key elements are pretty central, so we can crop images without losing anything crucial. If this isn’t achieved, then a team photo which looks good on a big screen, could end up with everyone’s heads being cut off on another device.

For people shots, this means leaving plenty of room around photos and this is particularly key when it comes to images on the ‘meet the team’ page. We’d also suggest that you use a photographer with a studio for any team photographs, so you can make sure that everyone has the same background on the images and they are lit in a similar way. This is also useful for continuity, when somebody new joins the team or a team member wants a new photograph.

If you’d like to discover more about photography and your website, get in touch with our team at Target Ink on: 01892 800400.

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