Target Ink & My School App

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Our Tunbridge Wells Digital Agency is collaborating with Milton Keynes-based school app specialist, MySchoolApp to bring you a bespoke product that is better than the sum of both separate parts.

Website design for schools and apps for schools combined!

Here’s what we think the problem is. Institutions need to reach out to prospective parents through digital marketing in order to create interest. And we know that schools have a lot of people to keep happy, like current parents, teachers and Ofsted, and that balancing act can sometimes come at the cost of farming for new students and promoting all the great things the school is doing.

We know that it's not just time that is the problem, we understand that funds and budgets are always major factors for schools too. By combining the development of a website and an app, we can reduce the overall cost as well as the time spent developing both separately.

With Target Ink working alongside MySchoolApp, we can ensure that tasks like calendars and news feeds are all updated in one central place. We can create harmony in the design of both products and, best of all, it means you only need to deal with one person.

At Target Ink, we offer unique 1-1 maintenance and support that means your site can develop over 12 months, all at no extra cost. That development time means you can respond to feedback from parents, staff and Ofsted, as well as prospective parents, and all without unexpected extra costs later down the line!

So, in short, by combining our services, we can offer all the functionality you’d expect from a market-leading app and all the design quality and marketing know-how you’d expect from an award-winning digital marketing agency, all at nearly half the cost!

Key Benefits

Website design for schools and apps for schools combined

Marketing your school online.
It might not be something that you’ve ever considered, but marketing online is very important, even for schools. Most of your new student uptake will come directly from the community around you, but in order to grow or even maintain your uptake, you need to be thinking outside of that boundary. At Target Ink, we have in-house specialists who will focus on developing your rating and ranking within Google. This will make it easier to find you using key phrases, for example ‘best schools in Kent’. That way you can be found online for more than just the name of your school. We’ll look at your online profile creatively and holistically in order to give new connections and prospective parents the best possible experience.

Saving you time and money.
The importance of your time simply can't be underestimated. By working with just 1 agency to deliver a professional website, a comprehensive app and full maintenance and support for 12 months, you’ll quickly save plenty of time, money and stress! (Just between us, that is probably the driving force behind why we wanted to do this in the first place!)

You’ll deal directly with Target Ink’s team. This product is for local schools only, so we can come to you and learn about your school and its unique needs on a 1 to 1 level. Once your site is up and running, you’ll have access to our custom-built Maintenance System, our direct dial number and email. You’ll never need to waste any time on a technical issue and we’ll literally make all the changes on your site for you if that's what you want!

Looking Great.
Ok. So, we’ve optimised your new website so people can find you on Google. And by building you a new custom website, we’ve done a great job of making it feel intuitive, letting visitors get to the information easily. But that's not all we need to do though it is where a lot of websites really fall short! It’s got to look great and it’s got to have a lot of attention to detail. Parents looking at schools online are going to be justifiably judgmental - where their children go to school matters and it needs to feel right from the offset. For most parents, that first touchpoint is going to be the website.

We’ve been building custom designed websites for over 10 years and we're good at designing great looking sites. We’ve won international awards for our designs, going up against hundreds of other agencies.  

It might seem shallow or frivolous to worry about design, but the truth is it matters if you want to look credible. The key to great design is great attention to detail. If a site looks perfect and there are no mistakes or bits that don’t work correctly, it will look far more credible than a site with errors and broken links that is difficult to navigate.

Our Service Level Agreement.
At Target Ink, we operate a two-working day service level agreement. It might not seem important, but keeping your website fresh and up to date really matters. We have a team that is responsible for making sure any problems are dealt with, questions are answered or website updates are done within that time.  

We have built a custom Maintenance and Support application that allows you to track all of your past and present requests and the time it’s taken us to deal with each of them. It even gives you access to monthly reports that offer crucial performance information, like your position in Google for certain keywords.

The added bonus of mySchoolApp.
Target Ink has teamed up with school app specialist, mySchoolApp, to offer their intuitive app as part of our Schools package. This will enable you to communicate with parents and give them all the information they might need about the school and their child in one easy-to-use app. You still only deal with the Target Ink team, so there’s no worry about adding extra work to your load, we take care of it all.

Why mySchoolApp?
We can’t ignore the fact that we all rely on our phones and mobile devices more and more regularly – to communicate and to find information. MySchoolApp combines both, giving your parents an easy way to keep in touch and for you to keep them informed. The app is designed to provide an at-a-glance view of what’s coming up at school and the opportunity to promote your latest news, too.

We think you’ll like mySchoolApps’ features.

mySchoolApp is available a standalone app for any school. But if Target Ink include it in the build of your new bespoke website, you will save a substantial amount and make sure your website and the app integrate seamlessly from day one.

How much does a bespoke web development and customised school app package cost?

If you have unique or highly specific requirements, we’re more than happy to help, but for the purpose of transparency, the pricing below is based on our expectations of what you need. Custom additions to either the app or the website may affect the price.

You’ll pay £4,660+VAT in total. That payment will be over 12 monthly payments of £255+VAT and one set up payment of £1,600+VAT.
Everything on the list above is included and much more. For more information, please feel free to give us a call on 01892 800400

Request a Demo

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Brief Tags:

The Brief / Project: Create website that engages with perspective parents, but still allows the staff, parents and Ofsted to navigate to key areas without difficulty.

Target Ink Merebrook website design

Merebrook is a infant school community committed to delivering a skills based creative curriculum that enables our children to lead their own learning and achieve their full potential.

They strive to provide equality of opportunity to encourage and motivate the children in our community to have higher aspirations and expectations of themselves and others.

The Client / Case Study: Merebrook Infant School, Milton Keynes.

Target Ink Review

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