A Picture Tells a Thousand Words, Great Visual Content

November 26, 2015

Visual content: The key to killer social media

A picture tells a thousand words. Research by Jerome Bruner, a psychologist from New York University shows that people remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read and a whopping 80% of what they see.

We also know that visuals massively increase the chances of content being shared. In fact posts, articles and tweets with images are over twice as likely to be shared on Facebook or Twitter as those that don’t.

In other words as a business wanting to generate traffic for your website you should be thinking seriously about generating and sharing visual content. Social media has responded with an array of apps designed to make it easy to do just that: YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest…

These are just the tip of the iceberg. Apps like Instagram also make it easy to share posts to other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

Visual content can range from simple photos, to inspiring slogans with beautiful typography like the one above, to infographics which help to explain complex stories using pictures  

For more on creating visual content have a look at these blogs:



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